Crystal Psychic Kids, We are Here To Change The World!

Working from pure heart, these psychic and awakened children are talented and gifted with an inner knowing, knowledge not of this world and intuitive ability. They connect with people, places and things with a paranormal ability and have a full understanding of quantum physics, and the Universal Laws.


In recent decades, there has been much interest in the New Children, from both scientific and spiritual perspectives. Some argue they are here to assist humanity in a transition to a higher consciousness.

The New Children are also referred to as Star, Indigo, Rainbow or Crystal children, and these names are related to the colour in their auras, which are connected with the Third Eye’s frequency.

Some believe the purpose of the New Children is to help the planet evolve spiritually by moving away from greed, corruption, and competition into a new way of living comprised of love, integrity, and cooperation.Image


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